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Scan Big

Create 3D scans of architecture and landscapes with ImageSpace. View and get accurate measurements of anything you’ve scanned. Scanning is robust, easy and interactive, and ImageSpace supports long scanning sessions, so you can capture an entire space in one go.

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ImageSpace is compatible with iPhone (12/13/14 Pro) or iPad (2021/2022 Pro) models.


See what you’re scanning, while you are scanning it. Reconstruction takes seconds, no need to wait minutes for processing and no need for internet connectivity. Pause, review and continue scanning until you are satisfied.


ImageSpace makes it easy to get all the measurements you need of anything you’ve scanned, right in the app. Measure walls, windows, rugs, furniture — anything you’ve scanned can be measured without needing to go onsite again.


ImageSpace is designed to handle long scanning sessions, so you can capture entire floor plans in one go, not just single rooms. The app optimizes your scans globally to minimize tracking drift, so that you end up with accurate meshes that are easy to export to different workflows.


ImageSpace is ideal for architects, engineers, designers, and anyone who needs to capture accurate 3D data of physical spaces. It's also a great tool for real estate agents and property managers who need to document spaces and create floor plans.


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